Tendons are what attach your muscles to the bone and if these tendons become inflamed, this is what as known as tendonitis. It can cause clicking, popping and “rice krispie” sounds as you move, in addition to being extremely painful when we try to move the affected muscle and joint. Chronic repetitive movements, particular with lackluster form or technique, are the move common reason for it’s development. Anyone from electricians to secretaries to power lifters to athletes can suffer from tendonitis.
Chiropractic Care for Tendonitis:
Chiropractic treatment for tendonitis is based on the principle that musculoskeletal misalignments and imbalances can contribute to inflammation and pain. Here are some key chiropractic approaches to addressing tendonitis:
1. Spinal Adjustments: Improper spinal movement puts added stress and pressure onto the joints of the body. This added stress irritates the tendons and promotes tendonitis.
2. Extremity Adjustments: Just like proper spinal movement eases this stress, movement of the joints in the arms and legs are equally important in preventing and treating tendonitis.
3. Soft Tissue Manipulation: “Knots” or what are actually called trigger points increase the stress and strain placed upon the tendons which further promote tendonitis. Soft tissue work helps to break-up and release this trigger points, thereby removing this added strain.
4. Corrective Exercises: There are two groups of exercises: stretching exercises and strengthening exercises. The areas you are experiencing tendonitis influences which type of exercises you should be performing.
5. Nutritional Guidance: Just like repairing a damaged roof requires you to go out and purchase supplied to fix, our tendons rely upon certain nutrients to accelerate their healing process.
Chiropractic care and other techniques exist to treat tendonitis in order for you to get back to those activities that you love. If your tendonitis is preventing you from jogging or preventing you from golfing or preventing you from playing with your children or grandchildren, please give the office a call.