As if women didn't go through enough having to first grow and then deliver a baby, you shouldn't have to live with pain! Due to pregnancy, there are limited options as far as what you can use to help alleviate some of your pain. What occurs to women's bodies throughout pregnancy is one of the few times in life where such change takes place over a relatively short period. Throughout pregnancy, joints and muscles change to allow for the ever growing womb. All of this change, however, can cause a great deal of pain. Sometimes stretches help, sometimes heat, sometimes both and sometimes nothing seems to help. The pelvis is made up of 3 bones which sort of "pivot" around one another as if to mimic a figure 8. The relationship of these joints changes dramatically throughout pregnancy as the hips and pelvis widen to accommodate for the baby. As this happens, it's important to make sure that these bones continue to adapt to the changing pelvis because if they do not, pain will result! There is a correlation between how much pain mom is in before birth and delivery outcomes. Furthermore, the amount of stress that mom is in during pregnancy has been shown to affect fetal, childhood and even adolescent development! If your pain is contributing to your stress, give the office a call!