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Pain takes a front seat to most else

Dr. Matthew Richardson, DC, MSACN

Pain: it's one of the languages that nerves speak, but are you listening?

"I'll give it a couple of days" is a sentiment that many people share. The problem with this mentality is that a couple of days turns into a couple of weeks which turns into a couple of months and so on.

The big problem is that the pain takes a front seat in the nerve pathways of the body. Our brain's are constantly learning a re-wiring and adapting. Even as you read these words your brain is making new connections. The kicker here is that when we are in pain, our brain starts to make more and more connections which recognize the pain in hopes that you'll stop whatever it is that is causing the pain. Think of it another wayThere are highways which have lanes specifically for truckers or specifically for carpoolers. Now let's apply this concept to pain; our body lays down "lanes" specifically for pain so the longer we are in pain, the larger those "pain-lanes" become. This is part of the reason why untreated pain will become a chronic problem. If you have questions regarding your pain, give the office a call!

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