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Applied Clinical Nutrition

Matthew Richardson, DC, MSACN

Imagine having someone on your healthcare team who listened to and could explain to you all of the reasons why you should or should not eat a particular food and what that food is ultimately doing to your health? Imagine having someone who can look at all the foods that you are eating and make meaningful recommendations based upon what you are not only eating but what you are not eating.

Applied Clinical Nutrition is the middle ground between human nutrition and medicine. Albeit food may not necessarily be able to cure certain diseases (though there are many that it can), what you eat can certainly help in the prevention of the vast majority of diseases. A "healthy" diet is different for every single individual. What does a healthy diet even mean? If you are someone or you are from a family with an extensive history of heart disease, the diet I'd recommend for you is going to vary from someone who may have a significant family history of Alzheimer's. Sure there are going to be similarities between these two diets however there are going to be aspects of the diet which pertains specifically to the prevention of that respective disease. It's time to let someone, who understands the physiology of how the body and it's organs function, help in your health goals. Life is the longest journey we will ever partake however it is too short to let any of it be robbed from you due to being in poor health! If you'd like to find out more, give the office a call!



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