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What is a good weight loss goal?

Matthew Richardson DC, MSACN

Achievements 101: Set goals, right? Maybe, but are you setting the right goals?We have all said at some point “I want to lose 10 pounds by such a date” If you have a goal to lose 10 pounds, what happens when you lose the 10 pounds? Do you set your goal for losing another 10 pounds? Does that cycle just continue?

W setting your goals, I urge you to not revolve your goals around some arbitrary amount of weight loss. I say arbitrary because how much weight can any of us afford to lose at a given point? That question is impossible to answer; all we can do is make the appropriate changes to our lifestyle and diet and our bodies will begin to shed excess body weight. For some that may be 15-20 pounds, for others that may be 30-40 pounds and for some that will be 80-100 pounds.

Revolving your goals around a particular food is a great place to start. If you are consuming 4 sugared beverages every day, cutting that down to 1 is a fantastic goal. It is clearly measurable and leaves zero room for error or guesswork; you either did or did not meet that goal.

Attainability: your goals must be realistic. Unrealistic goals are seldom achieved and are often unmotivating and counter-productive. I understand your wanting to be healthier, however you did not arrive at your current situation overnight and you will certainly not get out of it overnight.

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