In today's fast paced society, there is too little time to accomplish everything there is to do! From the time we get wake up, it's a rush to get ourselves out the door on time. If you have kids, forget about it. However, this stress is taking a greater toll on you than you may think. According to a report released by the American Psychological Association, 77% of people experiencing stress developed physical symptoms as a result of that stress. Some examples of these physical included:
Generalized pain
Decreased libido
Digestive issues
The reason: We experience stress in the brain and the brain is everywhere.
If there was an issue with your car's stereo system, it would affect your ability to listen to music. If there was an issue with the whole electrical system; you could have an issue anywhere from the radio to the headlights to the back-up sensors; anywhere the electrical system is involved is where there could be a problem. Our "brain-system" or our nervous system, is involved with every aspect of our body's functions. So just like a problem in the electrical system can present anywhere in that electrical system...we experience stress in our brains therefore we can experience a problem anywhere as a result.