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Matthew Richardson, DC, MSACN

Is juicing a healthy, viable option?

Somewhere along the line, juice became synonymous to eating the fruit from which it came and I'm not sure why. At what point do we take a step back and look at the some of the differences between a whole fruit and the juice itself.

A few of the most significant differences to eating fruit vs drinking it's juice

  • Sugar content: There is far more than one fruit's worth of juice in one glass. For example: there is 3-4 oranges worth of juice in one 12oz glass. Eating 3-4 oranges at once seems overboard yet drinking 4 oranges worth of juice is just fine?

  • Fiber content: The fiber within fruit is located within the flesh, not the juice. Most extraction processes leaves this fiber behind meaning you aren't drinking it. Furthering the problem is that fiber helps slow down how quickly our body absorbs sugar which is the primary reason eating fresh fruit is far superior to that of drinking it's juice.

  • Vitamins and minerals: Many of these are located in the flesh of the fruit and are not found in the juice itself. Furthermore, through the production process of the juice many of the vitamins, which may have initially been present in the juice, are destroyed.

If you'd like to learn how some of the false truth's lingering around are sabotaging your health, give the office a call!

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